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Offers Overview


Complimentary Resources

Get access to the free course and head to the blog for free tips, training and strategies.

Self-Coaching Package

If you prefer to get started on your own before hiring me as your coach, this is the ideal package.

1-0-1 Coaching Packages

Take your development to the next level with 1-0-1 coaching with me that includes a wealth of resources and activities.

$90 Courses

Here are your short value-packed online courses to learn all skills necessary for a better quality of life.


Which Package is For Me ? A Quick Comparison


 Personal Development Course & Workbook

A complimentary short 1-month course based on the basic elements of the Personal Achievement Workbook. Take your time and get to


  • Complimentary - offered at no cost

  • Duration: minimum 30 days (PAW Complimentary edition divided into 10-day sections)

  • Type: self-work

  • Instructional videos

  • Access to e-learning platform: NO

  • Live zoom calls: NO

  • Upgrade to a paid package: YES at any time you wish even before you have completed the PAW

  • Part of a bundle: NO


Lemon Zest - Self Coaching

A self-paced coaching course that you can complete in your own time on our e-learning platform. You work with the Zest version of the PAW and get to the 1st Level of Accomplishment.


  • $ 90 for the full self-paced course

  • Duration: minimum 3 months (PAW Zest divided into 20-day sections). Try to complete within suggested timeframe and revise often

  • Type: self-work

  • Instructional videos

  • Access to e-learning platform and vault: YES

  • Live zoom calls: NO

  • Upgrade to 1-0-1 coaching packages: YES with a 25% discount on either the Peel or Squeeze packages

  • Part of a discount bundle: NO ( but keep an eye out for offers)

  • Refund: NO


Lemon Peel 1-0-1 Coaching

The slow-paced version of 1-0-1 coaching with Pamela. During this coaching engagement, you use the PAW but at a much slower pace. Here you get to the 1st or 2nd Level of Accomplishment.


  • $ 199 for the whole package of blended coaching

  • Duration: Two hours (30' live session plus a combined 90' written coaching & reflective tasks + vault)

  • Type: blended coaching

  • Instructional videos

  • Access to e-learning platform and vault: YES

  • Live zoom calls: YES

  • Possibility to transfer to a Lemon Squeeze package: YES with a 25% discount on first package.

  • Part of a discount bundle: YES - check out bundle of 6 packages and bundle of 12 packages

  • Refund: partial under conditions


Lemon Squeeze 1-0-1 Coaching

The fast-paced version of 1-0-1 coaching with Pamela. You reach your desired level of accomplishment sooner. The PAW is also used here to help you get to the 3rd Level of Accomplishment.


  • $ 329 for the whole package of blended coaching

  • Duration: Three hours (30' x2 live sessions plus a combined 120' written coaching & reflective tasks + vault)

  • Type: blended coaching

  • Instructional videos

  • Access to e-learning platform and vault: YES

  • Live zoom calls: YES

  • Possibility to transfer back to a Lemon Peel package: YES with a 25% discount on first package.

  • Part of a discount bundle: YES - check out bundle of 6 packages and bundle of 12 packages

  • Refund: partial under conditions


Complimentary Resources


Personal Development Course & Workbook [complimentary]

The course “How to Reach Higher Levels of Personal Achievement” is the foundation for great coaching results. The Personal Achievement Workbook (PAW) is a tool that I have developed over the years through my research in profiling human behaviour which I presented at the Harvard Medical School / Institute of Coaching Conference. Your Personal Complimentary Edition will focus on making your Role, Identity, Priorities and Personal Development Areas clear, as well as identify some Strategies you use to get things done.

It is also the outcome of the work I have done while coaching people from literally around the globe thanks to my participation in coaching projects with the United Nations (UNDP, UNV), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and contracts with companies located on all continents.

Blog: In the Front Row

You will find three categories in the BLOG: Coaching - The Naked Truth, Skills Development, and Verbal Linguistics (all things language, negotiations and communication).

Topics include (among others):

  • becoming independent,

  • developing perspective,

  • resilience,

  • negotiating and argumenting effectively,

  • improving your decision-making skills,

  • discipline, and

  • confidence.


$90 Dollar Courses: Skills Development


Lemon Zest


Would you like to develop the core life skills that will help you boost your authority and self-confidence? This course does more than just that. Here you begin to work on the concept of a “self-defined life” using terms that are a reflection of your personality - only a stronger and more efficient one.

In this course I have used all my experience to create lessons and tasks that truly help you build those life skills - even if you have not hired a coach.

Negotiation Skills: let’s make the difference

A unique training, or rather, two: Negotiation skills for guys and Negotiation skills for ladies. Social engineering at its best. These are all-inclusive courses – no matter your gender, your background, your religious beliefs, it is how you feel and operate that matters. Negotiations have everything to do with your personality and ability to manipulate language and handle situations. Your personality and the training that will bring out specific negotiation skills will define your ability to navigate difficult conversations and negotiate effectively in any environment.

Personality Hack: Self-Worth before Confidence

When training only in building confidence, you risk losing it faster and more often. All these years I have worked with individuals from all walks of life, gender and religious beliefs. I have managed to extract the elements that create a solid foundation and turn them into a training course. A very different take on developing confidence with additional coaching on reality, perspective, perception, and reaction.

Speak Up & Stand Your Ground: Confidence in Public Speaking & Communication

There are three things we focus on in this course. The first is why you want to speak up. What is the message you want to put across? Is it worthy of people’s attention? The second is CONFIDENCE. Whether it is public speaking, presentation skills, or even promoting your work via video on social media, you need confidence to make sure people will listen to your message. And the third thing we focus on is the medium to which you want your voice to be heard: the public, your fellow humans. Let’s work on that a bit to make magic happen when you speak up!

Inner Strength: Resilience & Antifragility

It has been established by now that resilience is not sufficient to feel strong enough to make decisions and keep going when the going gets tough. In this course we first examine the concept of antifragility and how to thrive in the midst of chaos and adversity and rise stronger by drawing resources and energy from the very chaos and pressure you find yourself in. After creating a strategy to build antifragility, we look into resilience and how it can support us to enhance our efforts to become antifragile.

Don’t Let them Fool You: Detecting Lies

In a world where lying is done by even the most innocent and well-intentioned, we cannot help but wonder: do we also lie that much? Can people tell that we are trying to intentionally or unintentionally fool them? Can we really tell when someone is lying to us?

Relationships and work connections may benefit if you know what is truly going on in the head of the other when they are lying. Communication will improve if you find strategies to prevent a great amount of lies, waiting to be told to your face. In this course, we establish a game plan to understand people, their lies, when you have to admit you cannot tell, and what to do to prevent lying from happening - first and foremost - and affecting you life and business.

“Take the Bloody Shot”: Making Decisions

For those familiar with the James Bond movies, you will remember the voice of M shouting to Moneypenny (Naomi Harris) telling her to take the shot. Eve was there, living everything, under extreme pressure, not sure what to do. We do not all find ourselves in the position to decide whether we have to take the shot or not, or fear that we will kill the wrong person, but, in all honesty, sometimes situations make us feel a rather similar kind of pressure in life and in our professional environment. How do you make that decision?


I’m Pamela Caravas

I’m a coach, educator, coach trainer and researcher who wants to help people build all skills necessary and create all strategies they need to become wiser and able to achieve more than they can imagine.

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